Monday, March 12, 2018

An Early Retirement Story

Hi i am Nicholas Wheelock and i am a professional blogger and i have been professionally blogging for a little over nine years now and i have been a victor of receiving an early Retirement due to a disability at the age of 19 years old. The sphychologist who diagnosed me did not have the propper degree to diagnose me. I received early Retirement for 4 years and was sphychologically terrorized for the amount of time i was retired. I was on ssdi. I was terrorized so i could not work to continue receiving my retirement benefits and was unrightfully switched to ssi at the age of 23 years old. I was a behavioral student in Highschool and forced to drop out and get an at home G.E.D due to zero tolerance policy. I explain this in similar articles located in the sidebar to your right on this blogsite. Anyhow, i have started a business that is getting its success as a charitable business. I do volunteer work and charitable actions. It is the only thing i am allowed to do. I was shot in the head with a bb at the age of 27 by an officer who claimed it was all about money. I have an online charitable asset of over a million dollars that can be very well sold at an auction for a pretty penny. I have a survival kit worth $600.00 and i am complying with the rules and laws of this country. I am pure one. I am even hated and disliked for no reasonable reason. I do not have to register my business cause it is in my own name. I have a way to make money. The cause i am doing is a good one. I am paying for traffic. I am posting daily. I am doing daily actions,checking emails,following up with fans,displaying paid ads and else. Falsely putting your child on ssdi and ssi benefits and illegally diagnosing him/her with an illness knowing that it will be temporary and continuing to tell him/her to keep collecting the benefits and taking measures to prevent him/her from working a job because you know that the likely worth of his/her life has a limit and he/she could be killed because of it.If you have similar experiences i would encourage you to leave your comments in the comment box below.

Terror Articles category

Attempted murder
Planning of death
Illegal diagnosis
Medical malpractice
Radiation malpractice
Ruination of life,liberty,pursuit happiness
Group terrorism
Harboring a fugitive
False hopes and dreams
Eluding the feds
And else

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